A clerk who is employed to maintain the files of an organization.
1There was a box containing information about the filer of the complaint.
2A non-union filer came into the shop and did twelve a day.
3Over those years, he became a successful investor and a savvy tax filer.
4Over the years, Bush became a successful investor and a savvy tax filer.
5They oversee money including pension funds and joined activist and original filer Trillium Asset Management.
6In addition, the filer of a NIE must insure that sufficient funds are available for payment.
7Another early filer from the oil patch, Schlumberger NV SLB.N, has also disclosed risks specific to its foreign operations.
8Through a representative the lead filer of the proposal, Nora Nash of the Sisters of St. Francis, declined to comment.
9So if you're a sole proprietor, you're almost three times as likely to get audited as a corporate filer, Hall says.
10Based on those comments, the Office is requesting more information from the filer of a NIE than required under the URAA.
11They turned through a small side room, strangely silent by contrast to the rest, where the filer did his minute work.
12He is so dedicated to his product that Marishane was quick to file patent and thus became South Africa's youngest patent filer.
13With a Chapter 13 filing, the court issues an "automatic stay" protecting a bankruptcy filer from further actions by creditors.
14A careful filer could make a passable eccentric by sinking a square or semicircular groove in the edge of a wide disc.
15Tim Smith of resolution filer Boston Trust Walden, an investment management firm, said he hopes for an agreement as regulators review the matter.
16A single filer earning 162,000 a year can expect about $190 more in their monthly paycheck.