Ainda não temos significados para "final happiness".
1Therefore it seems that man's final happiness consists in contemplating the angels.
2Therefore man's final happiness consists in the consideration of speculative sciences.
3Failing final happiness, they so often took what they could get.
4Therefore it seems that in the consideration of these sciences, man's final happiness consists.
5Eating them, denotes sorrow for a time, but final happiness.
6It is what it ought to be; its education is finished, and its final happiness begins.
7Conversely, we might argue the final happiness which attaches to the observance of the law of nature.
8Tells of the lamp of love that continues to shine through all sorts of tribulations to final happiness.
9Nothing else stood before its flood; all thought of Ludowika's final happiness was lost with the other detritus.
10What Wordsworth then wrote already vibrates with that blithe impulse which carried him to final happiness and self-possession.
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