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Significados de find gainful em inglês
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Uso de find gainful em inglês
The idea of suggesting to a vagrant that he findgainful employment was ludicrous.
As Beckett struggled to findgainful employment, his mother May urged that he too should submit diary material.
There, in the unincorporated town of Prunedale, on the foggy side of the Central Coast, we would findgainful employment as substitute teachers.
Myth 2-HBCU Graduates Won't Be Able to FindGainful Employment.
They achieved high grades, university qualifications and foundgainful employment.
Never again foundgainful employment.
When he'd heard about this crazy Elector he'd wasted no time in going to the Palatinate and findinggainful employment as a pretend musketeer.
With the borders of kingdoms hanging in the balance, numerous astronomers foundgainful employment observing the moons and improving the accuracy of the printed tables.