Ainda não temos significados para "find ideas".
1It's so easy to find ideas that reinforce yours, and ignore the ones that don't.
2I hope in the days to come future thinkers will unlearn us, and find ideas infinitely better.
3To find ideas, he's studying group psychology and basing game concepts on things like political and hierarchical systems.
4He seldom spoke, and before speaking he always took a pinch of snuff to give himself time, not to find ideas, but words.
5I really don't know what would have become of those two people if I hadn't been in existence to find ideas for them.
6So for me, I just try to find ideas that I'm compelled by, that we would be able to have an interesting take on.
7On occasions of our rare meetings we found ideas in common.
8Madam, - Pat Rabbitte seems to be finding ideas and inspiration in unexpected places these days.
9Vote on Found ideas submitted by other readers.
10He had been formerly a frequenter of beer-halls, and while moulding crumbs or cutting corks he found ideas.
11Innovation is all about finding ideas.
12I found ideas there-ideas
13He who for years had never once thought of death had for some time past found ideas of caution in his mind.
14"My daughter told me you had a great number of those old engravings and that she used to find ideas for her costumes in them."
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