Ainda não temos significados para "find the widow".
1Mrs. Miller is going to see if she can find the widow.
2A serious mistake, my dear-moneycouldn't find the widow and her children.
3We will conduct the reader to the cell where we will find the widow and her daughter Calabash.
4He must have been rather surprised to find the widow and her little boy established at the Hall.
5He found the widow alone, sitting in a large easy-chair before the fire.
6At the end of the week we found the widow waiting to receive us.
7Here Bruce found the widow's cruse, and a pallet to repose his weary limbs.
8When one finds the widow of a living man, we'll have a good laugh.
9On his arrival at his house, Captain Sedley found the widow Weston waiting his return.
10He found the widow Swann on the first landing.
11The majority of the speculators found the widows and orphans of whom they were in search.
12We found the widow without too much trouble.
13On reaching the cemetery, William found the widow looking wretched, indeed, and apparently suffering great pain.
14He opened the door, and found the widow sitting on the usual stool, employed in mending her nets.
15021a.jpg the Lord de Riant Finding The Widow With Her Groom
16With new boots, creaking loudly, he walked up into the drawing-room, and there he found the widow alone.
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