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Significados de first gush em inglês
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Uso de first gush em inglês
That instant I awoke in the firstgush of the sunrise.
Wingfold had no time to accuse anyone after the firstgush of bitterness.
And after just the firstgush of my enthusiasm, Fausta said, very seriously:-
Maggot was knocked down at the firstgush, but leaped up and turned to fly.
And one feels that Iphigenia, after her firstgush of gratitude, does not think of them much.
He has the firstgush of the sunshine in the morning, and the latest gleam in the evening.
I resolved cooly to let the firstgush of prepossession blow over, and the spring tide of censure exhaust itself.
The firstgush of green on our getting clear of Clapham was like the big drink after an afternoon's haymaking.
And when the firstgush of joy was over, he saw it more plainly; and every day he noticed it increasingly.
Even when the firstgush of love subsided a little he could not be so reasonable as he used to be.
The strike at Ranger lit the fuse, the explosion came with the firstgush of inflammable liquid from the Fowler farm at Burkburnett.
When the firstgush of emotion had subsided, she said, in a soft, low voice, "Where have you been, dear Paralus?"
Checked in the firstgush of feelings, she now remained silent, yet with her yearning spirit intently listening for words of tenderness and endearment.
I thought in the firstgush of anger, you feel that you have been using me, that you have no further use for me.
As these regarded his statement as the wild fancy of an enthusiastic boy in the firstgush of disappointment, they treated it with good-natured raillery.
It seemed as though the sluice of some great dam had been suddenly carried away, and this was the firstgush of the escaping flood!