Ainda não temos significados para "fix stare".
1The Efficient Baxter stood staring at the shoe with wild, fixed stare.
2He uttered one brief word after a long period of fixed staring.
3The old man looked up, and regarded him with a fixed stare.
4Still Donna Tullia's cold eye rested upon him in a fixed stare.
5As he took in Farndale's and Moreton's fixed stares, Adrian inwardly cursed.
6Meredith was standing next to her, giving her a very fixed stare.
7The eyes met hers in a fixed stare, like that of a corpse.
8And so Shann followed the line of the other's fixed stare.
9Downing stood staring at the boot with a wild, fixed stare.
10Downing stood staring at the shoe with a wild, fixed stare.
11She looked at him once more, and kept looking with a fixed stare.
12She returned his glance of appeal with a hard, fixed stare.
13Then encountering the fixed stare of both men he glanced away towards the window.
14Slowly her eyes lost their fixed stare and took on a more human light.
15They were blank, the fixed stare of a marble statue.
16Fix stared at me down the barrel of the shotgun.