Ainda não temos significados para "flinty heart".
1Now had he the flinty heart and the cunning mind of his fathers.
2Shall not then these mournful groans pierce thy flinty heart?
3Is there nothing which could strike a spark of human feeling from his flinty heart?
4Shall not these mournful groans pierce thy flinty heart?
5Perchance as days and weeks pass by we may find a way to that hard and flinty heart.
6What's softened his flinty heart?'
7He could raise the veil- adarkand dangerous necromancer, with a flinty heart and a hand that had waited long to strike.
8Through the long lapse of thirty years-thoughshe was now sleeping in the grave-herappeal came with force to break his flinty heart.
9Only Colin, with his flinty heart, would know nothing of either: for even when he professed to be friendly, he entertained the deepest malice.
10Something in his tone touched the man's flinty heart still more; and before he half knew what he was going to say, he had added,-
11Have you none that will soften flinty hearts, make them responsive?
12Their flinty hearts remain unmoved.
13"Have you no feeling in that flinty heart of yours, Mollie Dane?"
14Its user-friendly blend of fine coffees and pompous "book-minute" radio spots has not touched the flinty hearts of indie-store diehards.
15'Eloi' sounded like enough to 'Elijah' to suggest to some of the flinty hearts around a travesty of the piteous appeal.
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