Emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation.
Examples for "bubbling"
Examples for "bubbling"
1There's news bubbling up about a potential crisis in our GPS systems.
2The champagne was bubbling trickily in the veins of the mercurial statesmen.
3Their clothes were bubbling in the hot spring in rags and tatters.
4But, especially in nearby Kunduz province, violence is bubbling up once again.
5But the easy movement, bubbling energy and stamina were less in evidence.
1In the foreground, angry waves broke in foaming turmoil among half-covered rocks.
2In the midst of this, Mrs. Poole reappeared with the jug foaming.
3Behind the islet it drops down in three or four foaming steps.
4The one foaming, the other with waves in it like the sea.
5The eddy was rapidly becoming a whirlpool, the water foaming about it.
1He was really bubbly with great one-liners and just a great laugh.
2Britain's professional home valuers are rightly worried about bubbly residential property prices.
3Welcome to Gypsy Rose Dance Studio, she said in a bubbly voice.
4It's been too long since I indulged in a long, bubbly soak.
5Penny My first impression of Dian was this bubbly, friendly, compassionate doctor.
1Set aside in a warm place for 10 minutes or until frothy.
2But there comes a time where things feel frothy, said Rechler, 43.
3Place the bowl in hot water and stir till smooth and frothy.
4A drinks machine provided frothy coffee and chilled bottles of flavoured water.
5Sometimes her talk was brilliantly allusive; at others it was frothy chatter.
1She came on, frothing at the mouth, with blood in her eyes.
2I imagine the sun filling Kent's house slowly, frothing upward like champagne.
3Food and a frothing drink were all that he asked from Fortune.
4She growled at them, foam frothing and flying out of her mouth.
5Fans have been frothing over her amazing transformation, praising Thessy's huge achievement.
1Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck effervescing through the city on a scooter.
2He was always smiling, effervescing; he was spirit personified, love embodied.
3The effervescing young creature is his daughter, Louise-byhis first wife.
4It is like the waves of the sea, but of effervescing champagne-ofboiling milk.
5He said in French, Do not give her anything but a little effervescing magnesia.
1She didn't wait to rinse, but sprawled atop me, all sudsy and slippery.
2Gwen gave a good-humoured yell, and waved away his sudsy embrace.
3But there was nothing sloppy or sudsy about the room.
4Emma Campbell would sing, and keep time with thumps and clouts of sudsy clothes.
5She guided my head under the level of sudsy water.
1Its spumy surface only climbed to the middle of their thighs.
2This irritated Purdy, who was spumy with the self-importance of one who has stood in the thick of the fray.
3When she stepped out of that spumy sea Aphrodite was said to have brought fertility, flowers, life, light to a barren world.
4He seemed still to hear the groans of the wounded, the shrieks of the prisoners being dragged thither, being hurled into the spumy, scalding water.
1The surface had dried out and firmed up almost as rapidly as the empty channel had previously turned into a racing, spumous river.
1The wind whipped the surface of the river into white foamy waves.
2It also neutral izes acidic saliva, creating foamy bubbles in the process.
3Crappy American coffee with foamy bits, not a proper coffee, he laughs.
4If Smokey hooked up the keg and it came out foamy .
5First, the dark tan rice is a lot less foamy while washing.
6We watched them burst against the shore, foamy lace exploding like thunder.
7A stained couch has a slash in it, revealing the foamy stuffing.
8He bellowed once with a length of tongue like foamy, red canvas.
9The whipped topping met her mouth and gave her a foamy mustache.
10I was always the one that was caught with a foamy mouth.
11It was foamy scum of dirt & dead suds floating on top.
12Ms Valois said the foamy substance initially flowed for several kilometres to Pukete.
13The lymphatic spaces contained either clear fluid or large numbers of foamy macrophages.
14Paul had just a fleeting glimpse of the boy in the foamy water.
15The foamy mass consists chiefly of air imprisoned in minute bubbles.
16Time, a tall drink, and some kind of rich, foamy oil.
Foamy nas variantes da língua
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