Disappointingly unsuccessful.
Examples for "disappointed"
Examples for "disappointed"
1Mr Wilson said the family is disappointed with the five year sentence.
2I'm frustrated and disappointed, but haven't quite given up hope just yet.
3However, those wishing it was all true will be left ultimately disappointed.
4And the American government made certain that France would not be disappointed.
5However, it was disappointed that there wasn't clarity on the referendum question.
1But since Islamic State was largely defeated last year, divisions have resurfaced.
2The EU's compromise, to delay the ban a year, was also defeated.
3U.S. officials justified the decision by saying Islamic State had been defeated.
4Political parties, and National in particular, have little tolerance for defeated leaders.
5In the great majority of cases, a villain exists to be defeated.
1The legislation itself has given hope to thousands of frustrated property owners.
2I'm frustrated and disappointed, but haven't quite given up hope just yet.
3Williams is among local government leaders frustrated at government delays to reforms.
4Tierney said: I'm so disappointed and frustrated to be in this situation.
5Often my attempts to change the way these schools worked were frustrated.
1Dell, however, thwarted the chance to keep the game tied at 1.
2I could tell him of my thwarted plan and ask his advice.
3We thwarted all of them and the event went ahead without incident.
4The BBC reports two previous launch attempts were thwarted by technical glitches.
5Numerous obstacles have thwarted OAT scale-up, including individual constraints and structural barriers.
1But we see dress first, in the figures of the discomfited Magi.
2He found himself discomfited by her gaze... while drifting, catching new information.
3This settled the affair: and the discomfited expectants made a precipitate retreat.
4But numbers hemmed them in too sore, and the Franks were discomfited.
5Far from being discomfited, Cullis conversed with the man in fluent French.
1When their plan was foiled by Public Security, they all committed suicide.
2The Chian turned pale and trembled; his vengeance was braved and foiled.
3He was foiled of his combat; and he had lost the prize.
4Legal attempts to reduce the amounts it must pay have been foiled.
5The strategy of General Joffre which foiled him is praised throughout France.
6He has been foiled in his attempt to carry off the girl.
7And it were pleasant to see these villains foiled in their desires.
8The plot was foiled and al-Kassar was arrested along with two others.
9You have seen me foiled; I mean you shall see me victorious.
10And Captain Burghe was left to bite his nails in foiled malignity.
11Her settlers were not the men to be so daunted and foiled.
12But in all my conjectures, I had to confess myself utterly foiled.
13He pitted himself against Colonel Pickering, whom he sometimes foiled in argument.
14Anyone hoping to nip across on a bike will be foiled, too.
15At last Smithers went away foiled, and met Parkson by the entrance.
16The rest was the feeling that Tish's superior acumen had foiled him.
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