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Significados de following addresses em inglês
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Uso de following addresses em inglês
I found that the packet contained three notes with the followingaddresses:
You can also reach archie servers by telnet to one of the followingaddresses:
The followingaddresses were delivered at the request of various literary societies and commemorative committees.
These two principles the writer has, with whatever degree of failure or inadequacy, endeavoured to embody in the followingaddresses.
Orders may be directed to us at any of the followingaddresses, at each of which we carry a stock:
If you have access to telnet, you can telnet to one of the followingaddresses: archie.mcgill.ca; archie.sura.net; archie.unl.edu; archie.ans.net; or archie.rutgers.edu.
The most popular is at DEC Corporate Research in the U.S. For more information, write a message to one of the followingaddresses:
Followingaddresses by local representatives the protesters marched around the Ballymun complex, behind two banners with anti drugs slogans.