Ainda não temos significados para "following collection".
1Mehliss has made the following collection of statistics of a somewhat similar nature-
2ACSH were identified in inpatient claims over a 1-year period following collection of independent variables.
3The principal poems in the following collection were written during an absence of fourteen months from Europe.
4His feelings at this period are best explained by a reference to his letters in the following collection.
5The following collection of flagrant breaches of international law will show who first broke marine laws during the war.
6The following collection presents a list of names-moreor less well known-withwhich ghost stories of some kind are associated.
7To answer this end, the following collection of brief, though beautiful productions, have been brought together all under one head.
8The following collection of Foreign Bulls was given us by a man of letters, who is now father of the French Academy.
9The following Collection of Letters, written very carelessly by a young man, had been preserved by the person to whom they were addressed.
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