Termination of employment decided unilaterally by employer.
1Burrus was dead, probably by poison, and Seneca was in forced retirement.
2He'd given his life to the Fleet, only to end up in forced retirement.
3This forced retirement is a product of the Great Depression.
4His forced retirement from the distillery did not worry him.
5The symptoms of unrest were aggravated by the forced retirement of Spain from Santo Domingo.
6A major new research project on older workers has called for the scrapping of forced retirement.
7All these things together did not render agreeable to Tellier his forced retirement at La Fleche.
8Protests led by army officers, riled by their meagre pensions after forced retirement, turned violent in 2007.
9Should a forced retirement age be introduced?
10He is fascinating in his continuing compulsion, despite his forced retirement from Test cricket, to score runs.
11The speech of Benjamin Constant secured for his friend Madame de Staël a forced retirement from Paris.
12With a gun held to his head by the Commission, Bonanno then haltingly moved into a forced retirement.
13Soon after, Joe made it quite literal when he said that he'll bring Daniel Bryan beyond a forced retirement.
14The Countess was born for a career and her spirit chafed at the forced retirement in which she lived.
15It was a forced retirement, and yet it was a retirement that was in every way in accord with her desires.
16During this period of forced retirement from the world, Luther was hard at work upon his celebrated translation of the Bible.
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Translations for forced retirement