Human breast milk released in the early stage of feeding.
Examples for "beestings"
Examples for "beestings"
1The first patient had rhabdomyolysis because of toxins caused by multiple beestings and developed acute kidney injury.
2The smarting is just part of the joy of a chili-laced mango salad, coleslaw with beestings laced through its sweet juicy strands.
3A guy with that bulk could take a couple of .22 slugs and, unless they penetrated a vital organ, regard them as beestings.
1We were able to purify secretory anti-Gal from human colostrum and bile by affinity chromatography on silica-linked Gal alpha 1,3Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc.
1Plasmon, founded in 1902, sells a range of baby foods including first milk, pasta and fruit compote.
2Weaver wasn't old enough to drive when he started in the passenger seat of his first milk float.
3The first milk of the mother should not be withheld from the young, especially if the animal is raised by hand.
4For an animal that is usually weaned at six months, missing out on the crucial colostrum, or first milk, can cause ill-health.
5The mother's first milk is cathartic enough to stimulate the bowels to act, but it is nature's cathartic and does no harm.
Translations for fore-milk