Service road that serves predominantly agricultural or forestry purposes and has only local significance.
Roads or tracks being used mainly or exclusively for forestry purposes.
1The area of Garda interest is some distance along a forest track on rising wooded ground.
2Can I drive to a forest track for a hike if no one else is there?
3After a few miles The Old Bricklayer slows down and turns off onto a forest track.
4As lone I ranged the forest track.
5So I kept largely to my beach, my cave and the forest track up to my hilltop.
6And follow round the forest track
7Olof turned off from the main road down a little forest track; he carried an axe on his shoulder.
8I entered the forest track at last, and quickly found the path that thou hadst spoken to me of.
9The forest track fell silent.
10Matthew picked up his horse's pace, and in a few minutes came to the forest track that Noggin had followed.
11Thankfully intuition turned out to be an accurate navigation tool and I reached a wider forest track and the chemin proper.
12About 10 p.m. we got into an open forest track of better appearance than any over which we had recently travelled.
13Thus conversing, they entered sufficiently deep into the wood to secure themselves from the observation of any casual passenger along the forest track.
14Her first three hundred yards on Bjurman's badly maintained forest track was a regular roller coaster, and she felt like a living gyro.
15But up here on the little forest track he harms no one; and no racking noises come thrusting sharp knives into his spine.
16Arriving at the landing beach she made her way by a forest track to a village of mud huts called Ekenge, four miles inland.
Translations for forest track