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Significados de formal ratification em inglês
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Uso de formal ratification em inglês
The Roman senate refuses to send Mithridates a formalratification of the treaty.
The agreement, already initialed by the Chinese Government, is now awaiting formalratification.
The formalratification of the engagement was very quietly done.
At York, Bigod and Bohun claimed a formalratification of the charter of Westminster.
The plans will go before the Rugby Football League board for formalratification on Thursday.
Perhaps this was a formalratification of what had been passed before under Cinna's coercion.
However formalratification requires the British government to deposit its "Articles of Ratification" in Rome.
Under this system affairs steadily drifted from bad to worse for some six years after the formalratification of the articles.
Lawmakers are due to vote on Saturday on a proposal to withhold support for Johnson's Brexit deal until formalratification legislation has passed.
Instead of voting on his divorce deal, lawmakers voted to back an amendment which delayed a final decision until formalratification legislation has passed.
Lawmakers voted to withhold support for the Brexit deal until formalratification legislation has passed, a step that will oblige Johnson to seek a delay.
After an epic EU summit, the €750 billion facility to aid members worst-hit by the pandemic is almost in hand, lacking only formalratification.
Formalratification of the treaty is still being awaited, though, and the government has indicated it wants several reservations placed.
Formalratification of next year's management teams will take place next Monday night and Cody's return now appears a formality.