Ainda não temos significados para "found some place".
1She must have found some place to straighten it, steam it, after they arrived.
2She called Zeitoun's cell phone in case he had found some place to charge it.
3It was just to be a temporary measure till she found some place suitable to live.
4They heard nothing of their servants, and consoled themselves that they had perhaps found some place of shelter or rest.
5They look satisfied, and are going about their daily work; and it is time we found some place for the wild beasts.
6The house was nearly deserted now, the servants having fled or found some place to hide that was safe from gunshots and madmen.
7It was a subliminal gesture, and when she didn't see him she assumed he had found some place to hide during the commotion.
8The murderer-ashe deemed Gard-might have found some place unknown to any of them, and might be lying quietly waiting for them to go.
9'By the way,' said he to Joseph Harrison, 'you found some place, I understand, where the fellow scaled the fence.
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