Ainda não temos significados para "free intercourse".
1For six months there was to be free intercourse with Holland.
2If there is no free intercourse every country must become self-sufficient.
3Let the free intercourse with these countries be suspended, and a famine is inevitable.
4In the free intercourse of closest friendships the matter was discussed between ex-Secretaries of State.
5Yet in many ways the tariff hindered free intercourse.
6Sexually active women noted an improvement in dyspareunia symptom score and report of pain- free intercourse.
7These barriers mean absence of fluent and free intercourse.
8At present, the native children have free intercourse with their parents, and with their tribe.
9But at his best he cannot yield his ego to full free intercourse with others.
10It is improbable, e.g., that Mordecai could have had such free intercourse with the harem, ii.
11She has therefore lost her free intercourse with Spain and Cuba without any compensating benefits in this market.
12In a free intercourse with his equals, the habits of truth, fortitude, and prudence will insensibly be matured.
13Before marriage free intercourse between the sexes is the rule, though certain conventional precautions are taken to prevent it.
14The only alternative to an open sea and free intercourse policy would be a Chinese wall around each country.
15But it is also certain that some restrictions to that free intercourse were imposed at a very early period.
16You offer "to restore free intercourse, to revive mutual affection, and renew the common benefits of naturalization."
Esta colocação é formada por:
Free intercourse ao longo do tempo
Free intercourse nas variantes da língua