Plastic pollution is a planetary threat, affecting nearly every marine and freshwaterecosystem globally.
Ford Ireland's chairman, Mr Eddie Nolan, described it as "a rare opportunity to protect a threatened freshwaterecosystem".
Lake Malawi contains more than 2,000 different fish species, attracting scuba divers, and environmentalists are concerned that oil exploration will disturb its freshwaterecosystem.
Cyanobacterial mats are commonly found in freshwaterecosystems throughout the polar regions.
Freshwater biodiversity is declining, despite national and international efforts to manage and protect freshwaterecosystems.
Freshwaterecosystems are exposed to multiple stressors, but their individual and combined effects remain largely unexplored.
The occurrence of harmful Microcystis blooms is increasing in frequency in a myriad of freshwaterecosystems.
The government's targets for protecting freshwaterecosystems, the committee claims, would deliver an aesthetic value of about £700m.
Pool owners have been warned not to empty pool water directly into stormwater drains which can kill freshwaterecosystems.
The students are here to learn about water quality and freshwaterecosystems with Waterwatch Trust educators Errol Wood and Kelvin Nicolle.
Freshwaterecosystems are among the most endangered habitats on Earth, with thousands of animal species known to be threatened or already extinct.
However, current understanding on the nutrient absorption pathway of submerged macrophytes in freshwaterecosystems, especially under different trophic states, is still limited.
Krause is leading a project called 100 Plastic Rivers which will produce the first systematic, global analysis of microplastics in freshwaterecosystems.
Microbial mats are ubiquitous in polar freshwaterecosystems and sustain high concentrations of biomass despite the extreme seasonal variations in light and temperature.
Therefore, integrating a broad scale dataset of lake physical, chemical, and biological characteristics can help elucidate the response of freshwaterecosystems to global change.
We further discuss possible limitations, future developments, and requirements for effectively managing a balance between biodiversity and ESS supply and demand in freshwaterecosystems.