At or constituting a border or edge.
1No fringy-panted scarecrow upon a horse too good for him-stolenprobably at that.
2Did you ever see jest quite such fine fringy willers?
3Then she turned about with a switch which disclosed fringy black petticoats and white stockings.
4The nomads of our civilisation wander past us in their fringy, dirty attire night by night.
5It can be planted as a border, since it grows low and has a fringy, decorative effect.
6He left the office, his eyes glowing like a cat's, and his fringy moustache trembling over his white teeth.
7His eyes danced with a furious light and motion, and the fringy moustache trembled over his thin and sensitive mouth.
8She only wagged her fringy tail, and licked her mistress's hand, and goggled at her with her full dark eyes.
9In the lively jumble of robust, rejoicing realities about him, he seemed to have emerged from the fringy edges of a daze.
10Allen's white shirts grew fringy at the edges with fatigue-duty, and his large hands were furry at the fingers with much soap.
11Every other moment came the rattle of spray, that rose up in white fringy trees to windward and smashed against him like hail.
12Again a cloud had torn loose from that squall-bag on the horizon, and again it showed that cottony, fringy, whitish under layer which meant snow.
13"Places like this always make me want to chop all my hair off and start wearing fringy dresses."