No GM correlations with simple RT were significant; there was one WM correlation in the right fusiformgyrus.
A network of occipito-temporal face-sensitive areas besides the right middle fusiformgyrus is necessary for normal face processing.
Many studies provide support for the role of the fusiformgyrus in face recognition and its sensitivity to emotional expressions.
Our results show that, first, the amygdala and the fusiformgyrus are sensitive to recognition of facial and bodily fear signals.
First, the naming of visually presented objects, whether covert or overt, requires a region of the left inferior cortex including the fusiformgyrus.
Emotion discrimination was associated with hyperactivations in high-risk subjects in the right lingual and fusiformgyrus as well as the left middle occipital gyrus.
Supported by existing findings, the hyperactive left fusiformgyrus communicating with right frontal lobe might be the key neurophysiological component causing hallucinations in schizophrenia.
The conjoint effects of priming in the left fusiformgyrus suggest its involvement as a direct consequence of the neural organization of semantic memory.
Overall, correct detection of angry and fearful faces was associated with greater activation compared to incorrect responses, especially in the amygdala and fusiformgyrus.
When subjects were reading aloud regular and irregular words (which had important semantic components relative to nonwords), activation of the fusiformgyrus was seen.
Together these methods showed that visual inputs from attended locations receive enhanced processing in the extrastriate cortex ( fusiformgyrus) at 80-130 ms after stimulus onset.
Fusiformgyrus and temporal pole cortical thickness was also lower in children with ADHD.
"There's nothing physically wrong with your fusiformgyrus, or anywhere else on the scan."