By the eleventh day mutual irritation had nigh reached the fusingpoint.
Because the water absorbs the heat and prevents it reaching the fusingpoint.
The tendency of a brick to become plastic at a temperature below the fusingpoint.
The external wall was almost at the fusingpoint.
Its fusingpoint is 149.6° F. I have not yet succeeded in crystallizing any of its more simple salts.
When heated it is yellowish; and, since it is volatile at a high temperature, it must not, in drying, be heated above its fusingpoint.
Bismuth is a metal which lowers the fusingpoint of any alloy of which it forms a part, while lead makes the solder less fusible.
Through years of effort and experimentation re-discovered the process of casting together metals of different fusingpoints, such as silver, gold and copper.
"For that purpose I suggest that we make the molds out of a metal or alloy which has a higher fusingpoint than lead."