Nerve cell cluster or a group of nerve cell bodies located in the autonomic nervous system and sensory system; ganglia house the cells bodies of afferent nerves and efferent nerves.
For the stab in the thoracic ganglions, however efficacious, is often insufficient.
Such sentiments are a proof of magnificent ganglions in a perfect state of order.
It was one nerve fibre in the city's ganglions, a thick cord among many.
The thing got right in among Lord Wetherby's highly sensitive ganglions like an earthquake.
Through the narrow breach in the throat the cerebral ganglions are reached and immediate death ensues.
I'm becoming a mere bundle of quivering ganglions.
The significance of this sudden inertia is forced upon me: the Philanthus has stabbed the cervical ganglions.
I tell you, Comrade Jackson, for the moment it reduced my delicately vibrating ganglions to a mere frazzle.
Have you heard the one about the Octarian Weevil who uploaded its ganglions to both instantiations of the OverNet?
Your ganglions are still vibrating.
I was looking for a bit of the overwrought soul and the quivering ganglions, if you know what I mean.
At the lesion of the cephalic ganglions the struggles of the cricket grow less, and the victim becomes a motionless corpse.
He studied the ganglions attentively, and gives the first distinct account of the formation, connexions and distribution of the intercostal nerves.
About the same time, Scarpa, so distinguished in every branch of anatomical research, investigated the minute structure of the ganglions and plexuses.
Most SP mRNA-positive cells were sporadically distributed in layers or small groups within the ganglions, as well as in nerve trunks between ganglions.
It was taut and punctured easily, but it healed fast, in ugly, thick scars-most cactacae were covered in harmless ganglions of scab tissue.