Ainda não temos significados para "gape mouth".
1Behind the lantern was a face with terrified eyes and gaping mouth.
2Nay, Rag; shut thy gaping mouth and leave the lad in peace!
3Its hairless head was skull-like, with gaping mouth and huge, round eyes.
4Angry frustrated tangles of rage with gaping mouths full of pointy teeth.
5And then there was his next-door neighbor, gaping mouth emitting thunderous snores.
6The hot breath whistling from their gaping mouths made the only human sounds.
7She shoveled another spoonful of mashed asparagus into the gaping mouth.
8With gaping mouths and roving eyes, they halted on the threshold.
9Perhaps I want my sovereigns for the eleven gaping mouths at home, Blanche.
10Saliva dripped from the great, gaping mouth, and her talons scratched the floor.
11You may see the gaping mouths of the dark old shafts through your telescopes.
12Very often, during the day, the robins bring worms to fill the gaping mouths.
13The scarlet sage-pods were brown and seeds were dropping from their tiny gaping mouths.
14Men, women and children parted before him, and gaping mouths widened as he passed.
15All have hideous countenances, large gaping mouths, and staring eyes.
16Their long, massive necks upreared raised their great, gaping mouths high above our heads.