Feeding that consists of the delivery of a nutrient solution (as through a nasal tube) to someone who cannot or will not eat.
The practice of feeding a person or an animal against their will, especially by mechanical means.
1All mice were administered orally by gavage daily for 7 continuous days.
2Methods: Newborn rats received daily by gavage either L. fermentum or water.
3Boissière is happy to talk in detail about the gavage.
4The administration of EKB-569 by gavage was less effective probably because of lower bioavailability.
5Continuous gavage administration was given for 30 days, the water-drinking volume and food-intake were recorded.
6All animals were administered once daily by gavage with the corresponding drug or distilled water.
7Based on responses in this study, gavage is an appropriate substitute for longer feeding studies.
8Test agents or vehicle were then administered for 3 weeks, twice daily through orogastric gavage.
9All treatments were performed by gavage and administered once a day on four consecutive days.
10Micronutrients consumption was equalized between groups by oral gavage.
11A mouse gavage model was performed to evaluate bone marrow MSCs for flow cytometry assay.
12One day prior to modeling, the rats received gavage.
13Feeding transition using the gavage-to-exclusive oral feeding technique is recommended for Speech-language Pathology practice in Neonatology.
14Additionally, ad libitum feeding prior to cholesterol gavage accentuates the absorption rate differences compared with fasting.
15HF gavage alone elicited increases in circulating lipids characteristic of postprandial responses to a HF meal.
16Restricted water availability was found to be a viable alternative to daily gavage for single-dose bolus administration.