Ainda não temos significados para "gaze into vacancy".
1He turned his tearful eyes toward the window, and gazed into vacancy.
2Philip was still gazing into vacancy and smoking cigarettes when Elizabeth arrived.
3While she did this Lady Holme stood quite still gazing into vacancy.
4But she was soon thinking again, and was only gazing into vacancy.
5The young woman was gazing into vacancy and breathing with difficulty.
6Dion gazed into vacancy a short time, and then cried firmly:
7His pale face was motionless, as he gazed into vacancy over Casanova's shoulder.
8The emperor made no reply, but gazed into vacancy, deeply absorbed in his reflections.
9He was sitting hunched up, with his chin in his hands, gazing into vacancy.
10A chill crept over him as he watched her wide eyes gazing into vacancy.
11Hofer was silent for a moment, and gazed into vacancy.
12He gazed into vacancy, while a crowd of sensations rushed confusedly through his brain.
13She stood gazing into vacancy a moment, her eyes shining.
14The girl leaning in the doorway gazed into vacancy.
15His eyes, gazing into vacancy, followed the vision, his heart was steeped in infinite longing.
16Susan, her pallid face and her luminous, inquiring violet eyes inscrutable, sat gazing into vacancy.