Examples for "icy "
Examples for "icy "
1 But the most immediate threat to public safety involvessnow and icy conditions.
2 The turmoil in Mr. Bosengate increased; he remarked in an icy voice:
3 Four other workers were given medical treatment after falling into icy waters.
4 Tabrina's upraised eyebrows and icy stare answered far more clearly than words.
5 The course was icy and real fast and that caused some danger.
1 Overnight, Saturday's sleet had given way to clear skies and arctic cold.
2 Clothes were unknown, save as protection against cold in the arctic regions.
3 The tropical and arctic areas have wonderful displays and interactive learning stations.
4 I had noticed several pairs of arctic terns feeding and passing food.
5 That only came from cold water funneling down from the arctic currents.
1 These time comparisons suggested recent Hg increase in East Greenland polar bears.
2 A polar vortex across the midwest and northeast didn't exactly help business.
3 A road sign warns of polar bear danger on the entire island.
4 The polar influence reaches only a short distance into our continent, however.
5 Human refuges now confined entirely to highland areas and the polar regions.
1 Jagr released a blast of frigid power, knocking the charging animals backwards.
2 The frigid cap of the north was nothing in comparison with it.
3 Beauty is a state of war, a frigid blank zone under siege.
4 The frigid February air felt good as it rushed into the room.
5 Even then you would be swimming in the notoriously frigid Baltic Sea.
1 Sea levels will rise due to thermal expansion and melting glacial ice.
2 Blake had been immersed in the glacial water for over fifty minutes.
3 Blusson understood the significance of glacial movement during the last ice age.
4 It is in fact the first glacial feature northbound hikers come across.
5 The glacial water would then be piped to ships and sold overseas.
1 Fire made their gelid frames less able to bear the cold weather
2 Under a grey sky, glooming to purple, the gelid water writhed nakedly.
3 Upon its gelid surface I saw my own reflection, Bluebeard distorted.
4 Marianne is now crying quietly, gelid tears streaming down her face.
5 To one side the Malaz River flowed dark and gelid within its stone banks.
6 His sandalled feet sank entirely beneath the quivering gelid surface.
7 His thoughts crawled, gelid and viscous as if frozen themselves.
8 The thought struck him like a twister of gelid wind.
9 Fastow, on her left, regards Danielle with gelid , unpleasant eyes.
10 Grinding glacier; gelid blood separating into red, yellow and clear.
11 Moss glanced around uneasily, sensing a faint susurration, a delicate splintering of the gelid air.
12 Even the flight attendant's smile is gelid when it falls on Sonia in her Muslim dress.
13 Nait's bowels tightened in sudden gelid terror.
14 Each was a gelid still-life unto itself.
15 Dennis was positively gelid , identifying Verrill so beautifully when he'd never seen the man before in his life.
16 Opposite, a single arc-lamp on the corner of Cypress Street cast a white, cheerless light on the gelid pavement.
Other examples for "gelid"
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