Ainda não temos significados para "generous temper".
1A generous temper endures a great deal from one whom it has obliged deeply.
2Tradition says that he was remarkably handsome, cautious, and of an easy and generous temper.
3Yes: Mary in particular; but she had always a more gentle and generous temper than her sisters.
4The same generous temper characterizes his commentary upon Dryden.]
5His hero, a young baronet of wealth, and of a benevolent and generous temper, is crossed in love.
6One would think that havin' the Hepburn's bride at his mercy would put a mon in a more generous temper.
7The officers who retreated were tried by court-martial, and, contrary to his usually generous temper, the surviving men were inhumanly decimated.
8Solitary and selfish from position, men of naturally generous temper and good disposition, feel their hearts contract and shrivel within them.
9"No fellow has a warmer temper than Darry when he's aroused to righteous anger, but no fellow has a more generous temper at all times."
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