Examples for "Bush"
Examples for "Bush"
1Last month, Police Commissioner Mike Bush said an investigation would conclude soon.
2Mr Prodi said Mr Bush had shown true leadership in his statement.
3Mr Bush said the other responsibility was the prosecution of the case.
4IRAQ: Iraq's arms declaration was not encouraging, President Bush said last night.
5A campaign against Jeb Bush would present different opportunities and different challenges.
1US president George Bush delivers a sober state of the union address.
2Recently, George Bush did his part to stoke anxiety and increase demand.
3Madam, - George Bush has been supportive of Israel's actions in Lebanon.
4Sadly, like George Bush's predictions about Iraq, it was also seriously premature.
5The nonstop service to George Bush Intercontinental Airport will start in December.
1IRAQ: Iraq's arms declaration was not encouraging, President Bush said last night.
2The following January, President Bush signed No Child Left Behind into law.
3How exactly does your view of state secrets differ from President Bush's?
4So far, President Bush has done the right thing, from our perspective.
5If President Bush told Petraeus yes, Obama was prepared to say no.
1However the former Yale full-back 'Dubya' Bush could properly play a bit.
2Lacking an actor who did good Dubya was another factor.
3I heard that "Dubya" was going to take that right away from us.
4Ferrell's Dubya is the one that we always suspected was lurking behind the man's moralizing, take-no-prisoners attitude.
5On the other hand, maybe this just slipped through by mistake, just like it would have done on Dubya's technophobic watch.
1George Walker Bush should have no concerns on that score.
2Photo: AFP Their first son, the future president George Walker Bush, was born a year after their wedding.