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Significados de german principality em inglês
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Uso de german principality em inglês
Even before the Franco-Prussian War Germanprincipalities recognized political offenders as such.
Bavaria must remain an independent, free Germanprincipality, under a sovereign prince.
The Germanprincipalities formed a customs union as early as 1818.
One is a Grand Duke of a Germanprincipality.
He was offered, if the story be true, an independent Germanprincipality for himself and his heirs.
Monaco is a pretty, toy-like, Lilliputian kingdom compared with which the smallest Germanprincipality of former days was enormous.
Mr. Richmond,' he added, smiling and rising; 'even the head of a little Germanprincipality has to give numberless audiences.'
It was well-known that King George's first priority was his Germanprincipality, Hanover, and Adelman's first priority was King George's son.
It cannot be said that, in these respects, the nobility of Russia, Austria, and the Germanprincipalities in general, follow his example.
Although I was still very young, I thought that Napoleon had made a mistake in reducing the number of the little Germanprincipalities.
The White House was refurnished in the most expensive manner, and a code of etiquette was established which rivaled that of a Germanprincipality.
Before going to meet him writer looked up his homeland, once a small Germanprincipality, called Lippe, near Westphalia and now part of West Germany.
The London "Times" said: "Mademoiselle de Montijo knows better the character of France than any princess who could have been fetched from a Germanprincipality.