Ainda não temos significados para "german sergeant".
1The German sergeant looked at him long and searchingly.
2The voice of the German sergeant broke in:-
3The good-natured, hearty, generous German sergeant, athletic, friendly, handsome, photogenic...
4"I will show you of what material a German sergeant is made!"
5There were evidences of haste; in one place we saw the arm of a German sergeant projecting from the ground.
6Thanking the officer for the permission, they went out of the station; when a tall, big-bearded German sergeant stopped before them.
7The German sergeant knew no English and could not understand his testimonial, but he tucked it in his pocket, well satisfied.
8While he was there a German sergeant, with about twenty men in wagons going toward Metz, stopped and spoke to him.
9He called for the corporal of the guard, and soon a fine-looking German sergeant came, to whom I addressed the same inquiry.
10A German sergeant is seated, here where we tread, supported by the riven timbers that once formed the shelter of a sentry.
11If they had any they brought it, not daring to refuse for fear lest a German sergeant-major should be sent along to wreak vengeance later.
12"Mr. Cluvver, it is your durn on card do-night," interposed Meyer, the German sergeant, as the captain was about to roll himself in his blankets.
13"One comes to us," said I. I was watching a German sergeant, who had dragged his belongings from that train and was crossing toward us.
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