Ainda não temos significados para "given to drink".
1Finally, the command was given to drink water and pair up.
2The whole tribe are desperate smokers, and greatly given to drink.
3Jacques Graumont is a nice, industrious young fellow, and not given to drink.
4Under the reign of Louis XIV., men of letters were all given to drink.
5Her husband was shiftless, and was somewhat given to drink.
6Alice's step-father was a carriage painter, and given to drink.
7S: Hell is before him and he shall be given to drink of festering water:
8He was a good fellow, but given to drink.
9And there shall they be given to drink of the cup tempered with zendjebil (ginger)
10Only one, of all those who flourished before Sebastian, is spoken of as being given to drink.
11A little free, perhaps, when unduly excited, but not given to drink and very fond of games.
12He was not given to drink.
13But he was given to drink.
14The natives are wanting in pluck and gallantry, the whole tribe are desperate smokers and greatly given to drink.
15Men, given to drink, eat certain salt meats, to procure a troublesome heat, which the drink allaying, causes pleasure.
16He had come on from the East as auditor, and had appeared to be capable, although somewhat given to drink.
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