Ainda não temos significados para "glint dully".
1A metal grid slicked with condensation glinted dully at the foot of the ladder.
2Flintlock's eyes stared straight ahead, glinting dully in the moonlight.
3He looked at his coat, lying on a chair with its epaulettes glinting dully.
4The winterish sunlight glinted dully on its rusted sides.
5Light glinted dully off the grey metal.
6For here, there, copper nails glinted dully, lying in dust that once upon a time had been wood.
7A faux leather purse almost untouched by the surrounding filth, its surface glinting dully, zippered shut and waiting.
8She was staring at the AV pillar, abstract pastel streaks from the projection glinting dully on her ebony cheeks.
9His dragon armour glinted dully in the firelight, small plumes of orange smoke snorting from his helmet's eye slits.
10Sarah's Heckler & Koch shard pistol glinted dully at me in the low light, the butt gaping open for its clip.
11As if through a haze he saw his coat hanging from a chair, the buttons glinting dully in the filtered glow.
12The figure before him went into a low crouch and one powerful arm came up slightly to reveal a huge, iron-headed mace, glinting dully.
13A helmet hurtled end over end, twenty meters straight up in the air, glinting dully in the sunlight, its straps whipping in its flight.
14Strapped to his lean back was the great sword, sheathed now, its strong hilt glinting dully in the early light as he shifted restlessly about.