Linux User Group in Galicia.
Nenhum exemplo disponível para qualquer um dos sinônimos
1Then came a crash of glass and the glug of spilled liquid.
2He grabbed a bottle, twisted off the cap, and took a glug.
3Add the olives, celery leaves and a generous glug of extra-virgin olive oil.
4He took a victorious glug of water from an Evian bottle.
5Throw in the onions and a healthy glug of vegetable oil.
6And you just go glug-glug-glug into the little ink holder and that's it.
7Add a good glug of oil to a wok and heat until nearly smoking.
8Add the garlic, thyme and chilli flakes and a generous glug of olive oil.
9Sachiko appears in the hatch -I point, and glug.
10He took a last glug of coffee and stood up.
11I heard the glug of liquid and then I saw him as he walked past.
12I was tempted to grab the wine from his hand and glug it down myself.
13In the bathroom, she heard the tub faucet glug.
14Clementines are the ideal orange to bottle in syrup, maybe with a good glug of alcohol.
15We remember the first time we tasted an americano, though we now glug them down endlessly.
16He gave her a beatific smile, and seized the bottle with a rapturous "glug."