Any of the relatively small placental mammals that constitute the order Rodentia, having constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing.
1Hence the name of Processionary given to the gnawer of the pine.
2Known as the Mind-gnawer among the clans of the northern Odhan.
3The greatest expert in this work is the Dermestes beetle, an enthusiastic gnawer of animal remains.
4They are inveterate gnawers, and spend much of their time in trees gnawing the bark.
5He would consign no one to the bone-gnawers and gravel-maggots, not even a filthy jawa.
6Now all these gnawers can be recognized by their leavings, such as crumbs and worm holes.
7They are great gnawers, and will gnaw your house down if you do not look out.
8Let not the gnawers of the world, the rodentia, despise the winged creatures of the upper air.
9House People do not realize that those gnawers are the greatest enemies that the Wise Watchers keep in check.
10These animals are great gnawers.
11I clear the fields of mice and other gnawers, besides spiders, grasshoppers, and snails; while as a frog-lover, I am a veritable Frenchman.