To ask in an insulting way to another person to go away from you, to stop contact with to stop bothering the person to who the insult is addressed.
1He must ask for permission to go to Jericho to buy food.
2Let her go to Jericho, said he, and he tramped up to bed.
3The bird's nest can go to Jericho, or Calcutta, or into the fire.
4Wish I'd stayed at home, and let the horrid old party go to Jericho!
5To " go to Kaf" is equivalent to our " go to Jericho," or-somewhere else.
6Better both should go to Jericho, she said.
7I'm going to get away from that old feud, if I have to go to Jericho.
8Wouldn't you like to go to Jericho?
9The French may go to Jericho!
10Let the train go to Jericho!
11Go to Jericho! exclaimed Captain Nutter.
12'Oh, Miss Rupert may go to Jericho for all I care.
13Esora is wiser than I, Joseph thought, and together they shall go to Jericho, and with an important message.
14And I tell you I married you because I loved you-andLady Saxonby and all the rest can go to Jericho!
15Hast any of thy balsam ready, or must thou go to Jericho for the juice?-youdraw the juice from the tree?
16"That's a hundred millions gone to Jericho," grinned Don Luis.