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Significados de golden candlestick em inglês
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Uso de golden candlestick em inglês
Zechariah's vision was the smoke of the lamps of the goldencandlestick in the temple.
The vision of the goldencandlestick and seven lamps, and of the two olive trees.
The goldencandlestick represented the temple and its service.
Eighteen handbreadths was the height of the goldencandlestick.
From a secret shelf, I pulled down a goldencandlestick, its base embossed with crosses.
I broke out in a sweat, and my arm ached from holding the big goldencandlestick.
Over the seat hung a goldencandlestick, with golden lamps, pomegranates, snuff dishes, censers, chains, and lilies.
On the fourth day, I shall make the luminaries; so will he make a goldencandlestick for Me.
The altar, the laver, the shew bread, the goldencandlestick, the mercy seat, and the officiating high priest.
Now he held a splinter of wood to the glowing tinder, and by its flame lighted the wax taper in the goldencandlestick.
To the boy a French and English library; and to Mari a beautiful little goldencandlestick, and wax tapers to light his segar.
From the Capitoline sanctuary were borne off the goldencandlestick and other sacred articles that Titus had stolen from the Temple at Jerusalem.
He entered the Temple, pillaged the treasury, seized all the sacred utensils, the goldencandlestick, the table of shew-bread, and the altar of incense.
The chests were got up, and tackles being made ready to each mast-head, a goldencandlestick was sent up and fixed above the truck.
The altar is bare, with no cloth, or covering, nothing is thereon but a great goldencandlestick with a tall taper burning within it.
Chaus takes out one of the tapers, and thrusting the goldencandlestick betwixt hose and thigh, remounts and rides back in search of the King.