Accompanied by bloodshed.
Examples for "bloodstained"
Examples for "bloodstained"
1Come up to the house with us and search for bloodstained garments.
2A tearful maiden charges onto the Senate floor with a bloodstained constitution?
3He was found not far from where we recovered the bloodstained sweater.
4But, like so much in Baltimore, even this beautiful house was bloodstained.
5Then he too caught sight of the bloodstained figure in the box.
1But the stage-picture is less sanguinary than it looked in the beginning.
2The most sanguinary events of the campaign occurred on the Niagara frontier.
3One of the most sanguinary contests of the day now took place.
4The last act of our drama is recorded, the last sanguinary scene.
5The conflict was long and sanguinary, and the result disastrous for Elam.
1Flames soared and licked the rafters, then died away in a sanguineous, ember-like glow.
2I therefore was the most sanguineous-looking man of our number.
3The passenger, who was a plethoric, sanguineous man felt as if he were stifling.
4They had loved like brutes, with hot passion, entirely sanguineous.
5Lente mentions a case of labor without liquor amnii; and Townsend records delivery without any sanguineous discharge.
1We will trample on you and your slaughterous regime, they shouted.
2The Spaniards fought like heroes, day after slaughterous day.
3Conquests, triumphs, and slaughterous glory are not very nice till they have ceased to drip.
4One of its former members a Prime Minister, a dictator, under a king installed by its slaughterous coup.
5One after another, fifty slaves fell beneath the slaughterous knife, until the river-bed was a very cataract of blood.
1Will they remove the only motive which could bring me to the butcherly spectacle of their combat?
2I am only sorry for my poor fellows," he added, "fallen into such butcherly hands!"
3It remains, then, beyond a doubt, that that subterranean vault contained the victims of one of the many secret martyrdoms of the butcherly tribunal.
4Butcherly blockheads in these high places, and himself lying sick and powerless, unable to lift a hand for the cause he loved.
1When Zetas fight Zetas, the results are likely to be particularly gory.
2The gory body was left in the hands of the Russian nobles.
3He discussed the gory details: Your bladder usually holds about 400 ccs.
4He also disagreed that gory images of the crucified Christ distressed children.
5His flashlight-laser was gory up to the elbow of his left hand.
6A gory shell-like hulk slid back to the foot of the ramp.
7Swiftly, in order, and without much cruelty the gory work was done.
8Just give us 30 seconds in there with these blades of gory.
9The devastating and gory effectiveness of the readerguns had become immediately apparent.
10The sun began setting in gory clouds, behind some low green hills.
11It's not gory but the characters encounter scarier situations than in HappyLoo.
12It's also crude, exploitative and more gleefully gory than your average cockfight.
13With flashing eyes and swelling veins, he gazed upon the gory face.
14The bat'leth cuts open my shirt, revealing my gory insides to everyone.
15In Caravaggio's painting Judith Beheading Holofernes, red is both gory and sensual.
16And gory images showing how young Orry lay slaughtered in his bed.
Gory nas variantes da língua
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