Note meant to be played as one that quickly "slides" or "glides" to another note.
An embellishing note usually written in smaller size.
Examples for "appoggiatura"
Examples for "appoggiatura"
1Three rules for the interpretation of the appoggiatura are commonly cited, viz.
2Klindworth employs a short appoggiatura, Kullak the long, in the second bar.
3He uses the transient shake in the third bar, instead of the appoggiatura which Klindworth prefers.
4For the turn (gruppetto) and the appoggiatura he recommended the great Italian singers as models.
5The dizzy appoggiatura leaps in the last two bars set the seal of perfection upon this unique composition.
1A firsthand view of it would be a grace note few have attained.
2It's a remarkable grace note on which to end.
3Every note was a grace note.
4Even his dodgy shoulder was hurting, a grace note added to the symphony of agony from his back.
5Then I discovered that there is a trill, a tiny grace note or yodel, at the end of his second note.
6He has defined himself by his feats in St Tiernach's, that old hollow of a ground which is the town's last grace note.
7I knew that air, those trills, those little runs, those grace notes.
8Of course, with HTM involved, the new Chuck Taylor gets some grace notes.
9Onstage, the grace notes come with audactious if typically understated flourishes.
10It's not that President Obama didn't hit grace notes for bolstering his platform.
11Grace noted that he was rather shaken, and felt vaguely disturbed.
12And grace notes of The Queen: national-institution acting and toehold in New Labour politicking.
13The lines were wrong, and so were the grace notes.
14At the same time, sinister grace notes accompany Cromwell's triumph.
15Some Spanish singers give a similar impression, through singing interminable grace notes beyond notation.
16Old, faint scars marred his face, but only added further grace notes to his appearance.
Translations for grace note