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Significados de graceful salutation em inglês
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Uso de graceful salutation em inglês
That gracefulsalutation of his was intended for me, no doubt.
The monk bent his handsome head in a slight yet gracefulsalutation, and smiled.
Frank Darling lifted his hat in reply to the other's more gracefulsalutation, and then shook hands with him heartily.
She must, above all else, know how to enter a room, how to perform a gracefulsalutation, and how to dress.
Marise looked around and caught a silent, gracefulsalutation of farewell from Eugenia, who disappeared down the hall, the front door closing gently behind her.
How familiar still their appearance to me, as they stood with their arms stretched out bidding me the most gracefulsalutations.
"If you permit- "saidVarillo, with a gracefulsalutation.