Examples for "grandparents "
Examples for "grandparents "
1 Police said the grandparents had given Boysen a room in their home.
2 Most of the keys were lost years ago, in our grandparents ' time.
3 My grandparents arrived penniless, started a small family business and voted Tory.
4 Your grandparents had every good reason to keep the truth from you.
5 I'm afraid it's time we went discuss consequences with your grandparents .
1 Their grandmothers had known each other in Russia, their mothers in Paris.
2 EBONY: Many younger women associate Fashion Fair with their mothers and grandmothers .
3 Babies were not so cared for in the days of our grandmothers .
4 I've had to endure everyone's advice and grandmothers ' hedge-magic remedies ever since.
5 The other ladies who were the grandmothers of Parikshit centered around him.
1 But he renounced his claim in the succession to his grandfathers crown.
2 My grandfathers , everyone in my family, the men have served this country.
3 My grandfathers , everybody in my family, the men have served this country.
4 They make what their grandfathers made in the way of art objects.
5 We were born here and our grandfathers were born here, Murunga said.
1 In 1900, a family meant two parents, children and often a grandparent .
2 One in every four French citizens has a foreign parent or grandparent .
3 Officer Vitikkohuhta obviously didn't have a grandparent who was his best friend.
4 Being a grandparent , I'm told by the people who know, is magic.
5 A grandparent is qualified through age and willingness to assume the role.
1 Grandma or Grandpa will drive you to school and pick you up, I think.
2 But what about those with mothers, fathers, grandmas or grandpas of European or British descent?
3 Grandchild will readily grasp that Grandma or Grandpa wants to share, and that sharing is fine.
4 In arranging the visit, Grandma or Grandpa discusses with Son or Daughter what they have in mind.
1 More especially their relationship takes on elements borrowed from the attitude of child to parent , of parent to child.
1 That means grandpa or grandma just hid them from you and... . '
2 The visit will include Grandpa or Grandma being interviewed by Grandchild.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for grandpa or grandma