A pleasing smile greeted every one of the guests; even Lady Bereford was satisfied with the gratefulacknowledgement.
I write this now as a gratefulacknowledgement for the almost inestimable service you have done the country.
The firefighters on board waved back in gratefulacknowledgement of the applause, which lingered until the vehicle disappeared from view.
It reminds us of the duty of making our gratefulacknowledgement of God's goodness to us expand with our growing experience of that goodness.
Is the want of reward, or the want even of a gratefulacknowledgement, a reason for us to dispense with what we think our duty?
Gratefulacknowledgement is made for permission to reproduce lines from the following:
Once more I make my gratefulacknowledgements to the excellent Don Pasquale.
LETTER L. Mr. Belford to Miss Howe.-A letter full of gratefulacknowledgements for the favour of her's.
These same gratefulacknowledgements are due to my fellow citizens generally, whose support has been my great encouragement under all embarrassments.
Gratefulacknowledgement for permission to include the stories and other material in this volume is made to the following authors, editors, literary agents, and publishers:
If they are so trained as always to make gratefulacknowledgements, when receiving favors, one of the objectionable features in American manners will be avoided.