(Archeology) a heap of earth placed over prehistoric tombs.
Examples for "barrow"
Examples for "barrow"
1Some days there were ten barrow loads, i.e., ten times six thousand.
2Kit went to the end of the barrow-like mound of the turnip-pit.
3Mudford and his barrow departed; and Tara looked appealingly at her mother.
4Then Arthur happened to notice the wheel of the barrow-itssole wheel.
5They would walk it and excavate the strange barrow, find their history.
1Not the to-morrow of the tumulus, the hour of the sunshine now.
2Moreover, the Watchstone is equidistant from the ring and from the tumulus.
3We made our way to the tumulus of Achilles, some distance away.
4Then they slew his horse and his wife, and raised the tumulus.
5Their real world was the place of burial,-thegrave, the tumulus.
1The first time I visited Newgrange, parking was beside the burial mound.
2This burial mound is made of masks, a pile of clay masks.
3He got to his feet using the burial mound for support.
4Newgrange is a neolithic burial mound, older than the pyramids, located in Ireland.
5The first cut represents a Danish Tumulus, or burial mound, of this Age.
1Aye, he knew as soon as we saw this grave mound.
2So shall I lie some day in a grave mound.
3Suddenly I see next to me on the grave mound a crouching gray figure.
4Now both the opening and closing of Sigurd's grave mound seem very strange to me.
5When it was done, the adults gathered around the grave mound and stood in silence.
6When she reached the grave mound she sang:-
7He knelt, creaking, and reached a shaking finger down to the book on the grave mound.
8Thou angel figure above thy grave mound.
9Simon let himself down from the wall and with a stifled cry landed on a freshly made grave mound.
10The conical hillock is a large near-by grave mound and many others serrate the sky line on the hill beyond.
11Tongues of fire curled around the dangling body, and a black cross stood on top of a grave mound in the background.
12He was shot through the head while vociferously urging the assault from the top of a large grave mound near the compound wall.
13The bones of Christians moulder under the grave mounds, but still the temple remains as before.
14The sun was growing hotter and the Solitaire's shadow crept slowly over the grass and the grave mounds.
15Even as he finished saying the words the ground around the grave mounds began to crack and buckle.
16The men worked steadily, piling dirt atop the grave mounds, and they chatted idly about who lay beneath.
Translations for grave mound