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Significados de great multiplication em inglês
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Uso de great multiplication em inglês
This explains the greatmultiplication of names in Spain and Portugal.
And 'tis this greatmultiplication of the wild beasts that prevents the country from being reoccupied.
There is a greatmultiplication of churches, and of clergymen to labor in the more populous districts.
The recent greatmultiplication of vipers in some parts of France is a singular and startling fact.
But the greatmultiplication of reports has so widened the field of citation as in effect to reduce it.
And the final and decisive impulse was given when the invention of printing made the greatmultiplication of books possible.
Iron will be retaliated by iron, but a greatmultiplication on distinguished objects; prison-ships by prison-ships, and like for like in general.
Nor in the present times is this increase principally owing to the continual importation of new inhabitants, but to the greatmultiplication of the species.