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Significados de greater strides em inglês
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Uso de greater strides em inglês
Still, others took far greaterstrides along that route than we.
I don't think any single competitor out there is making greaterstrides than we are.
The party must take greaterstrides to expand the organisation to the six counties in the near future.
The Christians of the Balkan Peninsula made greaterstrides towards liberty than they had taken in the previous century.
In no respect has modern progress in Japan made greaterstrides than in the improvement of the position of woman.
And the Germans had made still greaterstrides in this diabolical contrivance which they were the first to inflict upon an outraged world.
On the horse was a girl, not a large girl, but she was riding fearlessly, bare-back, and urging the horse to greaterstrides.
Just as science is making greaterstrides in understanding diseases, the drugs industry is becoming less and less able to turn that knowledge into treatments.
Greaterstrides were made in rural Peru, where the rate fell 2 percentage points to 46 percent, than in cities, Inei said.