Ainda não temos significados para "greatly misunderstood".
1Scepticism both in its advantages and disadvantages is greatly misunderstood in our time.
2What constitutes valuable education, military no less than civil, is often greatly misunderstood.
3Because we no longer rely on the hunt for our food, he is greatly misunderstood.
4The character of General Jackson is yet greatly misunderstood.
5Repentance, which may include atonement, has been greatly misunderstood.
6Visualization is an ability that is greatly misunderstood.
7Rose's face became scarlet, and rising hastily she said, Either I misunderstand, or am greatly misunderstood.
8He is very greatly misunderstood, Mr. Ridgway.
9He revealed to them, then and there, the nature of that kingdom which they had so greatly misunderstood.
10I have greatly misunderstood the character of Mademoiselle Hennequin if she ventured to interfere with you in either!
11Not so was the leper and his greatly misunderstood and feared disease treated during the middle ages in Europe.
12I have been greatly misunderstood with respect to my estimate of the Christian church, as distinguished from the Christian religion.
13He was at all times honest, and, because he was compounded of paradoxes, greatly misunderstood by those who did not know him.
14"I'm afraid you'll be even more greatly misunderstood."
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