Ainda não temos significados para "green herb".
1Carbuncle, the Common Scabious for.-Takescabious, the green herb and bruise it.
2Kitty will like that dried quite as well as the green herb.
3The green herb, bruised and applied, will heal cuts promptly.
4The green herb is all the food they afford, and the limpid water their best beverage.
5Headache is cured by a green herb called pachoco, of which they smell until they begin to sneeze.
6There was the " green herb" for the animals and birds and creeping things; and for us, the "herb yielding seed."
7Adam was to have the free use of every green herb, but he was not to account himself the exclusive owner of it.
8Give what I love: for I do love; and this hast Thou given: forsake not Thy own gifts, nor despise Thy green herb that thirsteth.
9She set green herbs beside the wine-jar and brought everything that might be needed.
10Joe smiles and holds up a bunch of green herbs.
11They also ate the garlic and green herbs in haste, dipping them in the sauce.
12The green herbs are agitated; the flowers fall, and the head of a python appears.
13The rest of his greenhouse was filled with green herbs that flowered fragrantly in September.
14Cherry perceived one woman, who was trying feebly to gather and eat some green herbs.
15For a while there was meat, and green herbs.
16But are there tame animals in the country that live on the grass and green herbs?
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