Ainda não temos significados para "grieve as".
1We grieve as though there were no room for hope; but-but
2Having won the victory, I am obliged to grieve as an afflicted wretch.
3I cannot grieve as you do; how much she is saved!
4Commit thyself to the hands of the Lord, nor grieve as one without hope.
5For the first time ever, the Bound One did not grieve as Iss removed the light.
6But she reminded herself that Nate's parents had not had as much time to grieve as she had.
7They asked for their privacy to be respected so they could process their loss and grieve as a family.
8Some grieve as if what has happened is an inevitable risk, especially in the life of a combat soldier.
9Ay, and Master Randall, I grieve as much for thy nephew, who to my mind hath done nought amiss.
10She burst into tears when he told her that her mistress was dead, and he left her to grieve as she dressed.
11Abu Kassim is heartbroken, and grieves as only a stingy miser can.
12I was as grieved as if it had been my blood- relation.
13Some ladies were so shocked and grieved as to withdraw from club-life altogether.
14Thousands of Northern households grieved as if they had lost their dearest member.
15After two years, he still grieved as much as Tulie.
16His mother adored him and grieved as a mother would.
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