Mill; grinds grain into flour.
1Josiah put in a wheel, a grist mill and a saw mill.
2Plenty of corn, we took it to the grist mill every Saturday.
3They had a gin mill, and a grist mill, and a sawmill.
4The stream once ran a grist mill for Gen. Richard Montgomery.
5The grist mill at the village put them out of date.
6Mr. Trueman had been at the grist mill all day.
7He had had a good day at the grist mill.
8Large farm attached to mission with water grist mill, etc.
9Tooby, being himself a skillful spinner, examined the factory and grist mill at Washington.
10Later, he started a water-power grist mill on the Grand canal, east of Phoenix.
11They were both well to do in the world, and each owned a grist mill.
12He had had him to superintend his grist mill.
13The water from the spring now runs a little grist mill a short distance below it.
14After father had built his grist mill he used to keep quite a number of hogs.
15It wasn't money you chose-itwas the world or Old Church-Jordan'sJourney or the grist mill.
16The barrel in each cottage was filled from the grist mill, a bag full at a time.
Translations for grist mill