Ainda não temos significados para "gross neglect".
1I have surprised an acorn in a gross neglect of duty.
2Owing to gross neglect, the fort had never been placed in a really defensive condition.
3Sad reminders of this slaughter were shown us; it was clearly the result of gross neglect.
4Her petition alleged that Curly had 'been guilty of gross neglect and incompatibility has existed .
5But young Edison was cited to trial, for gross neglect of duty, by the general manager.
6Such was the explanation of what in my country would be deemed a gross neglect of duty.
7Only one guilty of gross neglect or absolute falsehood is likely to fall into such an error.
8The wanton destruction and gross neglect of churchwardens, both before and after the Reformation, were very great.
9He may indeed be impeached for gross neglect; but between criminal non-feasance and zealous activity there are infinite degrees.
10Seeing the awful effects of his gross neglect, the brakeman took out across the country and was never heard of again.
11After some days he began to think himself guilty of gross neglect in not having called on the lady at headquarters.
12Any officer failing in his duty herein will be deemed guilty of gross neglect of duty and be dismissed from the service.
13Her lawyers call that gross neglect and are pinning hopes of gaining her freedom through the country's highest court by proving the charge.
14A nurse has been guilty of gross neglect of duty when the patient contracts pneumonia through exposure to too severe currents of air.
15How many have failed to obtain their rights and just claims through the gross neglect of the keepers or custodians of parochial documents?
16The jury returned a verdict of "Death from acute bronchitis, accelerated by gross neglect by Mrs. D. and especially by Nurse H."
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Gross neglect ao longo do tempo
Gross neglect nas variantes da língua